Flight Report
Flight Date
12 Feb 2024 11:02 UTC
Review Status
Flight Number
Departure ICAO
Arrival ICAO
Alternate ICAO
Baron G58 Spainish Air Force
Fuel Used
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Flight Duration
Flight XP
Performance Score
Landing Rate
Flight Type
ACARS flight.
Skill Analysis (86%)
Stall Detected
Crash Detected
Landing Lights Below 10k
Landing Lights Above 10k
Overspeed / Stress Detected
Taxi Overspeed
Overspeed below 10k
Beacon Off Engine On
Slew Detected
Pause Detected
Take-off/Landing Analysis (Landing Rate -126fpm)
Take-off G-Force
Rotate Speed
Rotate Pitch
Rotate Bank
Gear-up Speed
Gear-up Altitude
Take-Off Winds
TAT Departure/Arrival
Touch-down G-Force
Touch-down Speed
Touch-down Pitch
Touch-down Bank
Gear-down Speed
Gear-down Altitude
Landing Winds
Touch-Down Spoilers Deployed
Flight Log
[10:28:59utc] You have successfully logged in José Francisco Luque Vega.
[10:33:41utc] Your flight to L35 has now been started.
[10:33:42utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[10:34:53utc] Starting engine(s)
[10:40:08utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[10:41:45utc] Landing lights ON
[10:41:46utc] Landing lights OFF
[10:41:47utc] Landing lights ON
[10:41:56utc] FLAPS 1
[10:42:27utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 020/5kt
[10:42:36utc] Departing KAVX, IAS 93kt, G-force 1.12g, pitch -4.32deg, bank 1.36deg, VS -191fpm, HDG 055deg
[10:42:40utc] Gear UP, IAS 108kt, GS 109kt, ALT 1590ft
[10:42:44utc] Aircraft at 1630ft, IAS 118kt, GS 119kt, HDG 053deg, TAT 12deg, WIND 020/5kt
[10:42:59utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 139kt, GS 138kt, VS 509fpm, ALT 1730ft, PITCH -2.68deg, HDG 053deg, TAT 12deg, WIND 023/6kt
[10:44:03utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[10:48:32utc] Aircraft at 4370ft, IAS 156kt, GS 165kt, HDG 039deg, TAT 9deg, WIND 336/1kt
[10:53:42utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4370ft
[10:56:45utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 162kt, GS 173kt, VS 289fpm, ALT 4400ft, PITCH -2.45deg, HDG 071deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 355/1kt
[11:10:09utc] Aircraft at 8320ft, IAS 145kt, GS 163kt, HDG 062deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 006/6kt
[11:14:11utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 149kt, GS 163kt, VS 82fpm, ALT 8320ft, PITCH -2deg, HDG 034deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 006/7kt
[11:14:14utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 8320ft, IAS 149kt, GS 163kt, HDG 034deg, VS -92fpm, TAT 5deg, WIND 011/7kt
[11:14:19utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 150kt, GS 165kt, VS 193fpm, ALT 8330ft, PITCH -0.13deg, HDG 034deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 012/9kt
[11:14:21utc] Aircraft at 8330ft, IAS 152kt, GS 165kt, HDG 034deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 016/9kt
[11:14:22utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 8330ft, IAS 152kt, GS 165kt, HDG 033deg, VS -90fpm, TAT 5deg, WIND 015/8kt
[11:14:26utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 152kt, GS 167kt, VS 56fpm, ALT 8320ft, PITCH -1.13deg, HDG 033deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 014/8kt
[11:14:32utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 8330ft, IAS 152kt, GS 167kt, HDG 034deg, VS -104fpm, TAT 6deg, WIND 013/7kt
[11:14:49utc] Aircraft at 8310ft, IAS 144kt, GS 157kt, HDG 037deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 011/7kt
[11:15:41utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 130kt, GS 148kt, VS 78fpm, ALT 8310ft, PITCH -3.46deg, HDG 079deg, TAT 4deg, WIND 008/7kt
[11:15:44utc] Aircraft at 8320ft, IAS 130kt, GS 148kt, HDG 079deg, TAT 4deg, WIND 009/7kt
[11:15:50utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 129kt, GS 148kt, VS 55fpm, ALT 8320ft, PITCH -2.46deg, HDG 080deg, TAT 4deg, WIND 008/7kt
[11:15:55utc] Aircraft at 8320ft, IAS 130kt, GS 148kt, HDG 080deg, TAT 4deg, WIND 008/8kt
[11:16:37utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 8320ft, IAS 138kt, GS 157kt, HDG 086deg, VS -85fpm, TAT 5deg, WIND 012/8kt
[11:17:32utc] Aircraft at 8190ft, IAS 138kt, GS 157kt, HDG 090deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 004/8kt
[11:17:55utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 8180ft, IAS 135kt, GS 148kt, HDG 032deg, VS -103fpm, TAT 5deg, WIND 002/7kt
[11:18:55utc] Aircraft at 7630ft, IAS 142kt, GS 163kt, HDG 245deg, TAT 6deg, WIND 009/6kt
[11:19:53utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 123kt, GS 136kt, VS 109fpm, ALT 7630ft, PITCH -3.24deg, HDG 036deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 007/7kt
[11:20:01utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 124kt, GS 138kt, ALT 7640ft
[11:20:04utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 124kt
[11:20:10utc] Aircraft at 7640ft, IAS 119kt, GS 136kt, HDG 095deg, TAT 5deg, WIND 011/6kt
[11:20:17utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7530ft
[11:20:18utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7510ft
[11:20:18utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 7500ft, IAS 123kt, GS 140kt, HDG 103deg, VS -1153fpm, TAT 5deg, WIND 009/6kt
[11:20:19utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7500ft
[11:20:24utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7440ft
[11:20:25utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7420ft
[11:20:28utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 124kt
[11:20:30utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7370ft
[11:20:31utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7370ft
[11:20:33utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7360ft
[11:20:34utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7350ft
[11:20:35utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7340ft
[11:20:37utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7320ft
[11:20:38utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7290ft
[11:20:39utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7270ft
[11:20:40utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7260ft
[11:20:41utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7240ft
[11:20:42utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7230ft
[11:20:43utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7220ft
[11:20:44utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7200ft
[11:20:45utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7190ft
[11:20:46utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7170ft
[11:20:47utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7160ft
[11:20:48utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7140ft
[11:20:49utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7120ft
[11:20:50utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7100ft
[11:20:51utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7080ft
[11:20:52utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7060ft
[11:20:53utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7050ft
[11:20:54utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7040ft
[11:20:55utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7030ft
[11:20:56utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7010ft
[11:20:57utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6990ft
[11:20:58utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6980ft
[11:20:59utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6970ft
[11:21:00utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6950ft
[11:21:01utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6940ft
[11:21:02utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6930ft
[11:21:04utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6900ft
[11:21:06utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6880ft
[11:21:07utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6870ft
[11:21:10utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6840ft
[11:21:11utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6830ft
[11:21:14utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:15utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:16utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:18utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:19utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:20utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:21utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:22utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:23utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:24utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:26utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:27utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:28utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -126fpm, touchdown speed 75kt, G-force 1.22g, pitch -2.61deg, bank -1.31deg
[11:21:29utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:30utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -126fpm, touchdown speed 75kt, G-force 1.22g, pitch -2.61deg, bank -1.31deg
[11:21:31utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:32utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:33utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:34utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:35utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:36utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:37utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:38utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:39utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:40utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:41utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:42utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:43utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:44utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:44utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[11:21:45utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:46utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:47utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:48utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:49utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:50utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:51utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:53utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:54utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:21:57utc] Landing lights ON
[11:21:58utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:00utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:01utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:02utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:02utc] FLAPS UP
[11:22:03utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:05utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:08utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:09utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:10utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:11utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:12utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:13utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:14utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:15utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:16utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:17utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:18utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:19utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:20utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:21utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:22utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:24utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:27utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:30utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:31utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:32utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:33utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:34utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:35utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:37utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:38utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:39utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:41utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:42utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:43utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:44utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:45utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:46utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:47utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:48utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:49utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:50utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:53utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:54utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:55utc] Landing lights ON
[11:22:56utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:22:59utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:01utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:02utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:03utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:06utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:07utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:08utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:09utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:10utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:12utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:13utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:14utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:16utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:18utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:19utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:20utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:22utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:23utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:24utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:26utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:27utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:29utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:30utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:31utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:32utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:33utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:34utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:35utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:37utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:45utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:47utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[11:23:48utc] Landing lights ON
[11:23:49utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:23:50utc] Landing lights ON
[11:24:04utc] Aircraft parked